First Impressions Matter – Get Your Home Market Ready


If you are considering selling your home, there are several things you can do now to make the best first impression on potential buyers. Taking the time to declutter, deep clean, and make simple repairs will show buyers that your house and property are well-maintained and ready for a new owner.

Increase Curb Appeal

A clean and attractive exterior is crucial, as it creates a positive first impression and sets the tone for the rest of your home. Spruce up your outdoor space by removing overhanging tree limbs and branches, applying a fresh coat of exterior paint, mowing the lawn, adding plants or flowerpots, power washing, painting patio and deck areas and repairing or replacing damaged screens and doors.

Take Care of the Obvious

While grooming your outside space, you’ll need to address any glaring concerns. Check and fix loose or damaged roof shingles, bricks, wood and trim. Clean out septic systems to ensure your property is in top working condition. With these projects completed, you’ll also reduce maintenance stress while your home is listed.

Make the Interior Shine

Create an inviting and welcoming atmosphere by cleaning, decluttering and organizing your home, which shows buyers that there’s plenty of space. Freshen up your indoor areas by painting walls, removing outdated rugs or furniture, polishing kitchen appliances and deep cleaning hardwood floors, sinks, tiles and showers.

Remove the Clutter

You’ll also want to check that any clutter is cleared by organizing closets with shelves and storage bins, storing everyday items like paper and toys in cabinets and closets, and removing personal items like picture frames and your kid’s tee-ball trophies. While you’re thoughtfully arranging, you could take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of any paperwork that is no longer needed while gathering documents potential buyers may need to review in a handy folder. These papers could include HOA information, appliance manuals, warranty information, records of repairs (especially if it involved electrical, plumbing, or contractor issues), and the survey of your property.

By increasing the outdoor appeal, creating a warm, appealing indoor space, and gathering all the information upfront before listing your home for sale, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth, stress-free transaction – and seal the deal with a great first impression.


The Lampe Group

Giselle Lampe Realtor

Direct line: 707-266-8086


Coldwell Banker Brokers of the Valley

1775 Lincoln Ave. Napa CA 94558

About the Author

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Giselle Lampe

Giselle Lampe Napa Valley REALTOR® has worked both in Canada and the United States. Her professional background includes: Certified Interior Designer, Project Construction Manager, REALTOR®, Winery Manager and Marketing Director. This unique combination of experience has provided her with insightful knowledge and skills including the value of being a listener. Her attention and focus is on her clients; to listen to all the details and understand the housing market in a way that gives her clients an exceptional advantage.

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